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  1. News Affecting the Market

    1. Podcast - Beyond the Noise

      Informative, interesting, and sometimes irreverent updates on the markets and trading

    2. Financial Markets News

      News and topics that affect the overall market.  Feel free to post links to articles and information.

      **News that affects the markets is relevant. Opinions about how current and pending information will affect the markets is relevant.  Personal opinions about policies or individuals are not relevant, are a distraction and are not welcome.  They will be deleted immediately.

  2. Real Trading

    1. 962
    2. FollowMeTrades Picks

      The Stock and Option Picks published by FollowMeTrades.  Post questions and comments, about these trades, for the staff and other traders to respond to.

    3. Traders Picks

      Members can post the actual trades that they are taking here and are encouraged to post the result when the trade is closed.  Not OK to post "Post-Facto" trades (I.e. "Big Win on TSLA!") when the initial position wasn't posted first. 

      Feel free to post charts, screen shots and any relevant details.  Members are welcome to discuss these ideas.

      Please play nice and be real. 

    4. Watchlist and Trade ideas

      Latest watchlist from the FollowMeTrades Live Trading Room, and trade ideas from members.  Members can post trade ideas here and discuss with the other members.

  3. A Place to Learn

    1. "Training Time" Live Sessions

      Live sessions covering the basics to advanced trading concepts.

      Available to Stock/Options Picks Subscribers.

    2. General Questions About Trading

      Ask questions about trading.  No question is too simple!  We all started trading with lot's of questions.  Staff and members will be happy to share what we know.

      Members can "rate" the answers and the highest rated answers are shown first.

      Please be helpful and respectful!

    3. Questions About Stock Options

      Post your questions about trading Stock Options here.  Staff and members will be happy to share what we know.

      Members can "rate" the answers and the highest rated answers are shown first.

      Please be helpful and respectful!

  4. Tools, Tips and Tricks

    1. General Tips and Tricks

      Post things that you think other traders will find helpful.

      Ask questions and discuss the tips that are posted.

      Please be helpful and respectful!

      ***Links to third party (not FollowMeTrades) commercial offers and products are NOT ALLOWED and will be deleted.

    2. TradeStation

      Tips and Tricks unique to TradeStation.  Share the cool things you have discovered and are using on TradeStation.

      ***Links to third party indicators etc. are not allowed and will be deleted.

      • No posts here yet
    3. ThinkOrSwim

      Tips and Tricks unique to thinkorswim.  Share the cool things you have discovered and are using on thinkorswim.

      ***Links to third party indicators etc. are not allowed and will be deleted.

  5. General Discussion

    1. Introduce Yourself

      Tell us what you would like to community to know about you.  

      What instruments do you trade?  What platform do you use?

      What do you know a lot about that you can help others with?

      What are you hoping to learn and get better at?

      Anything else you would like to share . . .

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    2. Trading Stories

      Have a trading story? (Most of us do!)  It could be a big win - or a total face plant.

      Feel free to educate or amuse us in this section.

      Please remember to be respectful at all times!

      • No posts here yet
    3. Off Topic Stuff

      A final section for off-topic (I.e. not related to trading) things.  Have fun, let us know what is going on with you.

      ***Just keep it "family friendly," and remember the site guidelines; we are not here to post controversial topics or opinions or to argue about them.  That's what Facebook is for 😉 

    4. 26
  6. Advanced Traders Club

    1. Day Trade Discussion

      Discuss Day Trades, Day Trading in general, share ideas, tips and tricks.

    2. Earnings Trades

      Discuss the Earnings Trades from FollowMeTrades

    3. Unusual Trades

      Discuss Unusual Trades from FollowMeTrades

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