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Real Traders Club is provided to customers of Follow Me Trades, LLC.

The goal is to provide a forum for traders to learn and exchange ideas in a positive, constructive and respectful way.

Robust discussions, by definition, may involve disagreement. That is fine and healthy.  But we expect and insist that disagreement to be expressed in a respectful manner.

The financial markets are affected by news events, government policy decisions and political developments.  Discussion about these are appropriate.  But, the discussion should be focused on the event and it's impact on the market. 

Personal opinions about figures in the news, politicians, or political candidates only serve to create controversy and as such are not appropriate here.  

Comments that attack, belittle or in any way demean any person or group of people will not be tolerated.

Acceptable: "It is a mistake for Chairman Powell to announce the beginning of asset purchase taper."

Unacceptable: "Chairman Powell is an idiot to announce the beginning of asset purchase taper."

The forum moderators will monitor discussions closely and participate in the discussions.  At the moderators discretion, unacceptable posts and comments will be deleted and the party notified.  Repeat offenders will be removed from the forum at the discretion of Follow Me Trades, LLC.

Remember, the goal is a positive forum where traders want to hang out, learn and get new ideas and offer each other encouragement and support.

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